Why your next home improvement should take place in your garage
I’m not sure why the garage is the last place anyone thinks of when it comes to home improvements.
Most people don’t even use their garage properly. With cars getting bigger and storage space, particularly in the city, at an absolute premium, these side compartments to your home can end up being a dumping ground for pretty much anything in your house you can’t quite bring yourself to take to the skip.
Garages, as a result, end up being dark, dull and sometimes damp areas filled with cardboard boxes, old toys, disused home equipment with the kids’ bikes strewn across the floor.
If you’re looking for something among that melee’ of (ahem) junk, then you probably couldn’t find it anyway.
Why do we do this??
That’s a whole extra room you’re just wasting away. Your garage could be converted into a light, airy and ultra useful living space. You can organise the area in your garage much like you would a kitchen. You can even have a worktop and cabinets much like you would in the kitchen. You can arrange bikes neatly to the side across the wall leaving the floor clear and you can even utilise your ceiling space.
You’re then left with … space. You could actually keep your car in it. Or convert it into something else – a study, a workshop, a gym…
Garage Guru helps those who are daunted by the prospect. We offer an array of products, services and design ideas to make the most of your garage and that includes the flooring so you repurpose the room as you wish.
Admit it, the idea’s appealing isn’t it. Contact Garage Guru to talk about it. At the very least, it’s a great chance to start thinking about throwing out or selling whatever it is you store in there.
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